2008. 3. 15. 01:21
Appfuse Maven Plugin(AMP) 프레임워크2008. 3. 15. 01:21
mvn appfuse:gen -Dentity=name [-DdisableInstallation=true]
mvn appfuse:install -Dentity=name
mvn appfuse:remove -Dentity=name
mvn appfuse:gen-model
source code template을 customizing하기 위해서는
1. Checkout the plugin from SVN (username: guest, password: <blank>):
svn co https://appfuse.dev.java.net/svn/appfuse/trunk/plugins/appfuse-maven-plugin appfuse-maven-plugin
2. Customize the templates in src/main/resources/appfuse.
3. Run mvn install (use -Dmaven.test.skip=true if tests fail and you don't want to fix them).
4. Make sure your project matches the version number you just installed.
AppFuse의 source를 프로젝트에 인스톨하기
mvn appfuse:full-source