2009. 9. 7. 15:38
iPhone programming part 1 모바일2009. 9. 7. 15:38
원본: http://www.gehacktes.net/2009/01/iphone-programming-part-1/
이 예제에서는 property, 2개 이상의 파라미터를 갖는 메소드 정의/구현 및 사용법에 대해서 알 수 있다.
콘솔 프로젝트 생성하기
- New Project / Command Line Utility / Foundation Tool
Sources폴더에서 cmd+N 누르고, Objective-C class 선택하고, 이름을 classA로 입력해서 새로운 클래스(classA.h, classA.m) 파일 생성
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@interface classA : NSObject {
bool myBoolean;
int myNumber;
int myIdentifier;
NSString * myName;
// manual creating getters and setters for a property
-(int) myNumber;
-(void) setMyNumber:(int)value;
// automatic creating getters and setters for a property
@property bool myBoolean;
@property (readonly) int myIdentifier;
@property (assign) NSString *myName;
// methods and functions
-(void) doStuffWithA:(bool)a B:(int)b C:(NSString *)c;
#import "classA.h"
@implementation classA
// automatic generation of getters and setters for properties:
@synthesize myBoolean;
@synthesize myIdentifier;
@synthesize myName;
// manual getter and setter methods:
-(void) setMyNumber:(int)value {
myNumber = value;
-(int) myNumber {
return myNumber;
// this is ok. It will return the value. To call the function in ObjC
// you have to write something like:"return [self myNumber];"
-(void) doStuffWithA:(bool)a B:(int)b C:(NSString *)c {
myBoolean = a;
myNumber = b;
myName = c;
myIdentifier = b; // ok, internal writeable - only external readonly
// not allowed: self.myNumber = b;
// dot notations are only allowed for automatic generated properties.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "classA.h"
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
classA * myObject = [[classA alloc]init];
[myObject setMyNumber:1]; // ok
int a = [myObject myNumber]; // ok
NSLog([[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"a=%d\n", a]);
// myObject.setNumber(1); // not allowed.
// int a = myObject.myNumber; // only on automatic generated properties.
[myObject setMyBoolean:true]; // ok
myObject.myBoolean = true; // ok
bool b = [myObject myBoolean]; // ok
b = myObject.myBoolean; // ok
// [myObject setMyIdentifier:1]; // not allowed : readonly
// myObject.myIdentifier = 1; // not allowed : readonly
int i = [myObject myIdentifier]; // ok
i = myObject.myIdentifier; // ok
[myObject doStuffWithA:true B:42 C:@"Text"];
return 0;
이 예제에서는 property, 2개 이상의 파라미터를 갖는 메소드 정의/구현 및 사용법에 대해서 알 수 있다.
콘솔 프로젝트 생성하기
- New Project / Command Line Utility / Foundation Tool
Sources폴더에서 cmd+N 누르고, Objective-C class 선택하고, 이름을 classA로 입력해서 새로운 클래스(classA.h, classA.m) 파일 생성
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@interface classA : NSObject {
bool myBoolean;
int myNumber;
int myIdentifier;
NSString * myName;
// manual creating getters and setters for a property
-(int) myNumber;
-(void) setMyNumber:(int)value;
// automatic creating getters and setters for a property
@property bool myBoolean;
@property (readonly) int myIdentifier;
@property (assign) NSString *myName;
// methods and functions
-(void) doStuffWithA:(bool)a B:(int)b C:(NSString *)c;
#import "classA.h"
@implementation classA
// automatic generation of getters and setters for properties:
@synthesize myBoolean;
@synthesize myIdentifier;
@synthesize myName;
// manual getter and setter methods:
-(void) setMyNumber:(int)value {
myNumber = value;
-(int) myNumber {
return myNumber;
// this is ok. It will return the value. To call the function in ObjC
// you have to write something like:"return [self myNumber];"
-(void) doStuffWithA:(bool)a B:(int)b C:(NSString *)c {
myBoolean = a;
myNumber = b;
myName = c;
myIdentifier = b; // ok, internal writeable - only external readonly
// not allowed: self.myNumber = b;
// dot notations are only allowed for automatic generated properties.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "classA.h"
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
classA * myObject = [[classA alloc]init];
[myObject setMyNumber:1]; // ok
int a = [myObject myNumber]; // ok
NSLog([[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"a=%d\n", a]);
// myObject.setNumber(1); // not allowed.
// int a = myObject.myNumber; // only on automatic generated properties.
[myObject setMyBoolean:true]; // ok
myObject.myBoolean = true; // ok
bool b = [myObject myBoolean]; // ok
b = myObject.myBoolean; // ok
// [myObject setMyIdentifier:1]; // not allowed : readonly
// myObject.myIdentifier = 1; // not allowed : readonly
int i = [myObject myIdentifier]; // ok
i = myObject.myIdentifier; // ok
[myObject doStuffWithA:true B:42 C:@"Text"];
return 0;